Healing After Stillbirth, Book Review

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Feature image from CENTREFORLOSS

HEALING YOUR GRIEVING HEART AFTER STILLBIRTH; 100 Practical Ideas for Parents and Families, by Alan D. Wolfelt and Raelynn Maloney.

This book is set up like a manual or guide for grieving parents.  It seems ridiculous for me to be reviewing a book about grieving for a stillborn when I personally have not been through that experience.  While I have suffered from recurrent early miscarriage, I would never presume that there is any connection between the two.  Nor does one stillborn labor inform you of what it is like for another.

miscarriage, stillbirth, books about stillbirth, natural pregnancy book, Baby, ovulation calculator, abortion, pregnant, morning sickness, conception, having a baby, trying to conceive, blogger, pregnancy blogger, pregnancy blog, pregnancy books. infertility, baby website,So I will stick to the facts on this one.

The title states that it contains 100 practical ideas for parents and families.  Each page offers the reader a different step or idea or thought to consider during the grieving process.

While it has been written by two doctors, it does include a lot of information from many families and parents who have been through it all.

It seems like a clear and easy read for those who may not be able to digest more than a page at a time.

Alan D. Wolfelt & Raelynn Maloney

miscarriage, stillbirth, books about stillbirth, natural pregnancy book, Baby, ovulation calculator, abortion, pregnant, morning sickness, conception, having a baby, trying to conceive, blogger, pregnancy blogger, pregnancy blog, pregnancy books. infertility, baby website,Both of these guys are obviously doctors of some kind as they have PhD’s after their names in the book.

These guys specialize in grief.  If you have a friend or family member who is going through the process of surviving a stillborn child, then this seems to be one of the best books.

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